External Competitive Grants (in PI capacity)
Executive functioning in reading comprehension in Chinese with and without dialect speaking (2020-2022), HK$600441, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund (RGC/GRF).(PI: LIN Dan, Co-I: SAVAGE Robert). RGC Intro Webpage
Phonological awareness and reading development in Chinese children: The approach of computer-assisted GraphoGame intervention (2015-2018), HK$422100, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Fund (RGC/GRF).(PI: LIN Dan, Co-I: LI Hong, LYYTINEN Heikki, RICHARDSON Ulla). RGC Intro Webpage
Speech-print awareness in Chinese word reading development (2013-2016), HK$828438, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council Early Career Scheme (RGC/ECS). (PI: Lin Dan). RGC Intro Webpage
Internal Grants (in PI capacity)
Forming a research cluster on online storybook reading intervention promoting children’s Chinese reading abilities and social skills (2020-2021), HK$350000, RDO Research Cluster Fund.
Developing an online reading programme for improving vocabulary and reading abilities among Hong Kong Kindergarteners (2021-2022), HK$ 50000, funded by Departmental Knowledge Transfer Grant.
Developing an effective Chinese reading program for Hong Kong (2020-2022), HK$50000, funded by EdUHK, FEHD Impact Pathway Grant.
Semantic transparency and neighborhood size in learning to read Chinese (2018-2019), HK$54545, funded by Promoting Psychological Research in Community Grant.
Language Acquisition (2014-2020), HK$2100000, funded by FEHD and PS.
Character reading and oral vocabulary in Chinese: Related and distinct in phonological skills (2017-2018), HK$ 50000, funded by Departmental Research Grant (PS).
Are kindergartener’s representation of counting list directional and linear? (2016-2017) HK$75000, funded by Internal Research Grant of EdUHK.
Executive function and reading comprehension in Hong Kong Chinese kindergarteners (2016-2017), HK$100000, funded by Departmental Research Grant (PS).
Mainland Visiting Scholars Exchange Programme (2016/2017), HK$ 30000, Tin Ka Ping Education Fund.
What holds children’s attention during reading? An eye-tracking study in Hong Kong Kindergarteners (2015-2016), HK$20000, funded by Departmental Research Grant.
The effects of computer-assisted phonological awareness interventions on reading development in both Chinese and English and the cross-language transfer effects (2014-2015), HK$99998, funded by Departmental Research Grant.
Mainland Visiting Scholars Exchange Programme(2014/2015), HK$ 32000, Tin Ka Ping Education Fund.
The ability to map speech to print in predicting reading development in Chinese children (2011-2012), HK$ 130000, HKIEd funding support to GRF proposal
Speech-print awareness in Chinese beginning readers (2011-2012), HK$ 100000, funded by HKIEd Internal Research Grant.
The role of sound-print awareness in young children's Chinese word reading (2010-2011), HK$ 30000, funded by HKIEd start-up grant